February 18, 2020

What kind of business insurance do tradesmen must consider?


What kind of business insurance do tradesmen must consider?

Depending on the type of trade you practice. Every industry requires a different kind of coverage. Most tradies take public liability insurance, which covers situations where your business activity causes injury or property damage to another party. 

Generally, public liability insurance is not required in Australia, but some industries require licensed operators to carry it. Contracts or jobs are more difficult to secure if you lack this type of cover. 

The following are other forms of insurance that tradespeople may consider along with public liability insurance. 

Portable equipment 

How would you handle losing, damaging, or stealing your tools? These tools can be expensive if you don’t have insurance. 

You can protect your money in case of loss or damage to your tools if they’re lost or damaged in the following situations: 

  • Fire 
  • Storm 
  • Invasion of vehicles or toolboxes by force or violence 

Personal accident insurance 

By wearing a hard hat, a dust mask, steel-capped boots, and other protective gear, the precautions you take still may not prevent you from getting sick or injured. You might have to miss a long stretch of work after just one accident. 

When you have an illness or are injured due to an accident, a personal accident insurance policy will pay you a weekly benefit for the period of coverage. Having the peace of mind that you can both recover and pay for household expenses gives you the ability to sleep well at night.  

Professional liability insurance 

Many Australians rely upon various trades for their daily needs, ranging from unclogging sink pipes to installing air conditioners, and most of that work is performed manually. Professional indemnity insurance may be essential for trades that offer professional advice to clients. In this case, a tradie would be wise to consider this insurance. 

If you break a professional duty, professional indemnity will cover you. Providing your professional service may result in actual or alleged negligent acts or omissions resulting in legal action taken against you. 

Is your insurance up to date? Compare business insurance policies from several providers using the comparison service. A few minutes of your time might lead to a great deal. Take a look! 


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Sed sed libero vehicula, cursus leo eget, tincidunt tortor. Vivamus ligula felis, dictum vitae massa ac, tincidunt orci.



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